Free Practice Aptitude Tests | Aptitude Test Examples
The free online practice aptitude tests (free abstract reasoning test, free verbal reasoning test and free numerical reasoning test) are designed to help you assess how well you are likely to do in an actual aptitude test. These free aptitude tests are short examples of our online practice aptitude tests.
Unlike our practice aptitude tests, the free online aptitude tests (abstract reasoning test, verbal reasoning test and numerical reasoning test) don't necessarily match your specific industry or organisational level. Please read more about matching the practice aptitude tests to the job you are applying for in the psychometric by job section and the Free psychometric guide.
Once you complete each of the free aptitude tests (abstract reasoning test, verbal reasoning test and numerical reasoning test), you will receive a personalised test report including detailed answer explanations.
To further assist you in preparing for the aptitude test, we recommend that you take our aptitude test online courses, practice verbal reasoning test preparation, practice numerical reasoning test preparation and practice abstract test preparation or aptitude test coaching.